November & December Services




Sunday 3rd November Celebration of All Saints

9.00am. BCP Holy Communion 

10:00 Holy Communion

Please stay behind for a cup of tea/coffee


Wednesday 6th November 10:30 Holy Communion


Sunday 10th November - Remembrance Sunday

09:00 BCP Holy Communion

10:00 Morning Prayer

Please stay behind for a cup of tea/coffee


Monday 11th November - Act of Remembrance at 10.45am

Wednesday 17th January - 10.30am. Holy Communion


Sunday 17th November

09:00 BCP Holy Communion

10:00 Holy Communion

Please stay behind for a cup of tea/coffee


Wednesday 20th November 10.30am. Holy Communion


Sunday 24th November - Christ the King

09:00 BCP Holy Communion

10:00 Holy Communion

Please stay behind for a cup of tea/coffee


Wednesday 27th November 10.30am Holy Communion

Sunday  1st December - Advent Sunday

9.00am BCP Holy Communion

10.00am Advent Holy Communion


Wednesday 4th December 10.30am Holy Communion


Sunday 8th December - 2nd of Advent / Celebration of St Nicholas

9.00am BCP Holy Communion

10.00am Advent Holy Communion and Toy Service


Wednesday 11th December 10.30am Holy Communion


Sunday 15th December - 3rd of Advent

9.00am BCP Holy Communion

10.00am. Advent Holy Communion


Wednesday 18th December 10.30am Holy Communion


Sunday 22nd December - 4th of Advent

9.00am BCP Holy Communion

10.00am Lessons and Carols


Tuesday 24th December Christmas Eve 4.00pm Nativity and Christingle Service

Tuesday 24th December Christmas Eve 11.30pm 1st Holy Communion of Christmas

Wednesday 25th December Christmas Day 9.00am. BCP Holy Communion

Wednesday 25th December Christmas Day 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 29th December 10.00am Healing Service

Tuesday 31st December 4.00pm New Years Eve Service