Epiphany 2 Searching

Epiphany 2 Searching

Epiphany 2 Searching

# News

Epiphany 2 Searching

One of the big themes in the Bible is ‘searching’ – we encounter stories of people searching for things that are important…. Can you think of any?

The sheep…. The coins…. The son…. The treasure in the field…… The kingdom of God

Searching for things that matter to us is very important and we feel despondent if we can’t find them – some of us even stomp around but I’ll say no more on that……

As we follow the story of the Magi we find that they too are searching…. but they aren’t searching for something old that has been misplaced – they are searching for something new that has been promised through the ages and which has now been revealed….

Magi from the east came to Jerusalem  and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?”

One of the things that makes us pause for a moment is the way God is at work in this story… you’d think it would have been the priests and theologians of the Jews that would have been searching for the one who is promised….

Afterall – they had the scrolls of the prophets to help as they awaited the promised Messiah….

But no… the story takes us away from the temple into unexpected places…. To unexpected people - men from the East…. Magi… star gazers….

These are the ones who are searching for something new… and God breaks into their thoughts…. And they know this star… this bright light… is a sign that something new has happened… and they feel compelled to go out a seek this thing that has happened - so they begin their search… they leave everything that is known to them behind and they set off in search of this new thing…

And the story of the Magi could well be our story….. even if we think we are the unlikely ones like the Magi…. Maybe God is working inside each one of us… calling us to seek for him… to know him

Maybe you are all searching for something new…. new confidence to cope with the stresses and strains of life - new hope to lift you up and lead you on - new way of living that brings fulfilment – to discover you are loved and valued beyond human comprehension - is that you – are you searching – is God calling to you?

May be we are searching for something old – something we had but have lost – the sense of joy at knowing Jesus – the enthusiasm of a young faith – the peace of walking closely with Jesus – is that you – are you searching – God will come to you?

No matter what you are searching for God will help you to find it “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” – seek and you will find -  finding is our theme for next week – so do come and join us on our journey with the Magi. Amen.

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